CSI Flex-Plate Saddle pad? - air ride saddle pads
Here are the platform from which I speak:
Well, if I am in the NBHA World, the permanent jobs, which had spoken of these saddle pads. When the clerk said they were absolutely incredible, but they are quite expensive ... I save money for some time to buy a platform for new wheelchair, and I do not know exactly what I want to buy. Currently, my professional choice SMX Air Ride Pad (http://www.horse.com/itm_img/WIP23.jpg) for my barrel horse and seems to be good for him, but his already worn for all audiences. I was wondering if anyone experiences with the CSI-flex pads. Are they worth 300 U.S. dollars is required for them? I do not know any other one has, and that worries me a little. If you rode in one or the other you love? Are the ones that should be cracked?
Air Ride Saddle Pads CSI Flex-Plate Saddle Pad?
2:28 AM
I have this from a website:
I love my block CSI Flex-Plate. The difference is amazing. I am a great driver and I am concerned about the health of my horse is brand new. The CSI pad really helped keep my horse, even when traveling over rough terrain or for long hours. It is worth the money.
Purchase: I have this rug on the way to Horse Expo about a year ago.
I like: Easy to clean. The tip of the felt and foam pads are velcro together for easy cleaning.
Dislikes: I have to adjust the keyboard for me to chair a number of different horses. I noticed that in the three saddles, this carpet of leaves dry spots. In addition, a horse that I ride every day is the development of white spots.
Quality: The proportion of the importance of the wafer with the Flex / plates is large. But I see no advantage to the chair like that. A portion of the foam mat is cracking and splitting and breakage. In addition, it has stabilized at half the original thickness.
Summary: I have two of these pills for $ 250. every thought is aEY would be great for our long walks along the street, but I found it simply does not work to relieve the pressure on the horses. When I look back and I have my money on these pills. I contacted the company, but ....... not return my calls
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